Frequently Asked Questions
We understand your concerns and we want to hear them!
Look at the FAQ below to see if we've answered your question.
We are excited to make the San Juan Cinema a suitable and safe space for all kids to feel secure and have fun while doing great things! We are planning the renovations with kid-friendly and engaging changes to make Club the place to be.
We THANK YOU for making this possible!
Why change from building at 6700 and Niagara?
Due to the rising building costs and the time restraint put on the Club with a lease expiring in September, the Club needed to be flexible to other options or risk closing. The new building was becoming financially unfeasible and we didn't want to spend your money on something we couldn't afford!
How many kids will the San Juan Cinema location be able to take?
We are anticipating up to 200 kids per day at the new location! This means room for 2-3 times as many kids, just like we promised with the original project.
Will we be keeping the theaters?
The Club will be keeping one of the theaters (theater 3). This means that the new Club will have a stage for drama and music performances. We are also looking to put on a couple of family movie nights! In order to honor all the tenants of our contract, the theater will only be used for Club kids and their immediate family.
Will the San Juan Cinema location have everything the old project had?
Yes, we still love the vision we had with the original project. That's one of the reasons we switched directions; so we could keep dedicated arts and craft space, the youth lodge, the teen lodge–all of it! We will even have increased square footage in the cinema from the project we were planning to build. The space we will be utilizing in the first phase of remodeling will be 12,000 sq ft with the entire building being 22,800 sq ft.
What will happen to the land purchased on 6700 and Niagara?
The land purchased for the original project has been sold to Habitat for Humanity. Money from the land sale will then be put into remodeling expenses, so 100% of Capital Funds support the new Club in our new direction.
Will you still be partnering with other community options?
The Club is still open to and looking for ways to engage and partner with other members of our community. Any ideas that we have come up with so far aren't permanent plans, but are solid ideas to invest in the kids and other members of our community alike.
Why change directions so quickly?
We understand that the sudden change in direction took a lot of people by surprise. It was a big change for all of us too. Celebration Church has been great to work with over the years, but with a steady incline of participants in their church lead them to revisit the Club's lease of their space. Celebration Church and everyone there was very kind to give us months of notice in advance and even extended their original agreement from the end of August to the end of September. We fully understand the church's decision and wish them the very best! However this is one of the reasons why we had to move quickly to find the Club a home.
When will you be closing on the cinema?
Closing took place on September 22, 2022. We are currently operating in our new space! Give us a call or come see us in action.
Have you started the remodeling process?
We are working with architects to complete plans for the remodel. We are reviewing the 100% completed design documents before they get finalized into construction documents. We have selected our General Contractor—Asset Engineering out of Grand Junction—and we are getting ready to start remodeling in late May or early June. We are looking to complete the project by the end of 2023!
Are you open in your new location?
We are! You can find us at 1869 East Main Street which has now become the former San Juan Cinema and the new home for Club! We are operating in lobby space and one of the theaters currently.
Will you be able to stay open during the remodeling process?
Yes, we are still planning on staying open for our Summer program this year! Construction will begin in the first two theaters, so we will still operate in the space we are using now during that time. Once the gym is constructed, we will close the front lobby and run programming in the gym. The back conference room will serve as the place for pickup during phase two of the remodel.
If we didn't answer your question, you can email Bud Taylor at for additional details!