Program - STEM
STEM is a buzzword nowadays and for good reason; it is an important aspect of our youth’s overall education. Montrose is particularly focused on STEM as it has the first STEM designated elementary school in the state. With the rise of STEM programming in schools, the Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club (BCBGC) wanted to help facilitate this education the kids receive in school throughout the summer.
This last Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the Montrose BCBGC Unit, the Club held its first ever STEM Fair! For the two summer sessions of Club, the kids have been diligently learning about the four areas of STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. All summer the kids have been doing different activities that help them learn about chemistry, astronomy, architecture and construction, and more. The goal of this was to have the kids learn about STEM and have fun while they did it. At the end of the learning process, it was time for the kids to put their knowledge to work, taking what they learned and developing projects of their own to showcase at the STEM Fair.
The projects were separated by three different age groups. Within each age group, the kids worked with partners or smaller teams to develop projects to showcase to the public and explain their project/findings. The night of the STEM Fair we had kids showcasing their volcanoes, bottle rockets, water filtration systems, catapults, solar ovens, and more. We even had a project that showed how to make glow in the dark bouncing eggs! In total there were 20 different projects to view, with guests selecting their top pick by age group. It has been a fun process watching the kids take learning into practical application and then showcasing their knowledge to the public. They did an awesome job! I want to thank everyone who came out to support the kids; it is people like you who support the Club, not just by donating or volunteering, but by simply being present and listening to what the kids have to say, that help make great futures start here. To find out more about the first BCBGC STEM Fair, including if your picks won, check out the Club’s Facebook page Like the Facebook page today for updates on Club programming, events, and more.
Bud Taylor is the Executive Director of the Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club (BCBGC) and has been for the past three years. Prior to that he was a Club kid, Junior Staff Member, and Board Director of the BCBGC. For more information on the Club, please visit