Parent Perspective - Corie Neilson

Former Club Kid

This week I got to interview another former Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club (BCBGC) member. One of my favorite parts of this article series is touching base with former Club kids to see how they are doing and how the Club has impacted them. 

Corie (Smith) Neilson was a member of the Olathe Unit of the BCBGC from 5th grade to 11th grade starting in 2003 through 2009. When she attended the Olathe Unit it was located at Olathe Elementary School before moving to a building near the Colorow Care Center. Corie has fond memories of Club highlighting the fun outdoor activities she got to do like snow shoeing or skiing/snowboarding in Powerhorn. She noted that Club helped develop her social skills, and the Club’s caring environment really helped shape her to develop her range for kindness. This aptitude for kindness carried into a career where she has worked in the senior care field as a CNA for the past five years.  

Corie is also a mom to a stepdaughter who attends the Montrose Unit of Club today. She and her spouse also welcomed a daughter in July of 2018. Having lived in Montrose since 2011, moving from Olathe then, she highlighted her love for the outdoors and taking her stepdaughter out for hikes. When asked if she had any advice for the BCBGC members of today she stated: “The Club is a great way to ensure your future as a good person! It will teach you many lessons in life and you will get to meet great people along the way”. Speaking of those great people, she is still friends with two other Club kids, Mari and Adriana, and keeps in contact with former BCBGC staff members Megan Farley, Ty Gallenbeck and Candy Baxter. 

Thank you Corie for letting me interview you about your time at the Club. It always makes me smile when you hear how the Club impacted a member in a positive way that truly helped shape them into the person they are today and to see those relationships developed at Club fostered over time. I love being part of an organization that makes great future start here!

Bud Taylor is the Executive Director for the Black Canyon Boys & Girls Club (BCBGC) and had been for the past three years. Prior to that, he was a BCBGC kid, junior staff member, and board director. Feel free to contact Bud Taylor by e-mail at or visit the Club’s website for more information,